Mar 14, 2016

TRAFFIC, blogging

TRAFFIC, Though i may not be an expertise in blogging but at least the few i know will definitely help you as a blogger to boost your traffic by nothing less than 40% I guaranteed!!!...
To start with I will be dropping those great tutorials in series, one after the other, so as for you to benefits from its fully!...

Login into your blogger dashbord then >> Settings >> Search preferences
Where it says “Custom robots header tags”, click on edit and where it says “Enable custom robots header tags?” click on yes.How To Setup Custom Robots Header Tags
Now you will see lot of options, just copy what i Ticked, from the image attached below.
Now click on save changes.
Thats all! for the first principle!... If you have not done this before, then u are missing alot of traffic...
When u are done with this then we proceed to the next principle...


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