Trading Secrets

Jun 14, 2016

Natural Remedies for High Blood Pressure

Elevated blood pressure is when the pressure on the arteries and blood vessels becomes too high and the arterial wall becomes distorted causing extra stress on the heart.  Long term-high blood pressure increases the risk of stroke, heart attack and diabetes.
Causes of high blood pressure include a high salt diet, emotional stress, alcohol, caffeine, smoking, obesity, inactivity, birth control pills, and heavy-metal poisoning.
Blood pressure ranges include:
·    Normal: Less than 120/80
·    Prehypertension: 120-139/80-89
·    Stage 1 high blood pressure: 140-159/90-99
·    Stage 2 high blood pressure: 160 and above/100 and above
Frequently, there are no symptoms as blood pressure increases but warning signs for very high blood pressure can include chest pains, confusion, headaches, ear noise or buzzing, irregular heartbeat, nosebleeds, tiredness, or vision changes.

Top Foods For Blood Pressure Diet

High fiber foods – Unprocessed foods high in fiber such as vegetables, fruits, and seeds should be the basis of any healthy diet.
Low sodium foods – Excess salt consumption raises blood pressure.  Limit your consumption to no more than 1500-2000 mg daily.
High potassium foods – Potassium counteracts the effect of sodium and helps lower blood pressure, include foods like melons, avocados, and bananas.
Omega-3 rich foods – Consume omega-3 rich foods like grass-fed beef, wild caught salmon, chia and flax seeds to reduce inflammation.
Dark chocolate – Look for a dark chocolate that contains at least 200 mg of cocoa phenols which can reduce blood pressure.

Blood Pressure Foods to Avoid

High sodium foods -Sodium raises blood pressure, avoid high sodium processed foods, pickles, olives, or canned foods.
Trans fats and Omega-6 fats – These fats increase inflammation and blood pressure and are found in packaged foods and conventional meats.
Sugar – High sugar consumption is connected to high blood pressure.
Caffeine – Too much caffeine can cause an increase in blood pressure.
Alcohol – Narrows arteries and can increase blood pressure.

Top 5 Blood Pressure Natural Remedies

#1 Fish oil (1,000-2,000mg daily)
Fish oil reduces blood pressure and inflammation when taken long-term.
#2 Magnesium (500 mg before bed)
Magnesium helps with relaxation of smooth muscle and reduces blood pressure.
#3 CoQ10 (100-300 mg daily)
Becomes depleted as we age, which may be related to why blood pressure also increases as we age.
#4 Potassium
It is best not to take a potassium supplement in high doses unless otherwise directed by a doctor.
#5 Garlic (600mg aged extract)
Can help lower blood pressure and relax smooth muscles.
Lifestyle Tip

Reducing stress can lower blood pressure.  Some tips include getting better sleep, scheduling in more free-time and fun, surrounding yourself with encouraging friends and also exercising on a daily basis.

Essential Oils For Blood Pressure

Essential oils lower blood pressure by dilating arteries, acting as antioxidants to reduce oxidative stress and by decreasing emotional stress.  The most effective essential oils for blood pressure are lavender,  ylang ylang, clary sage and frankincense.
Try these natural remedies for high blood pressure to improve your heart and overall health.

Remedies for Anxiety

AnxietyAnxiety is a normal response to stress or a dangerous situation, sometimes referred to as “fight or flight” response. Anxiety becomes problematic when it is constant or in reaction to inappropriate circumstances.
Constant anxiety can lead to high blood pressure, insomnia, digestive problems, and panic attacks. Causes include stress, thyroid problems, excessive alcohol, caffeine or sugar intake, and hormone imbalance.  The good news is there are many natural remedies for anxiety.

Foods For Anxiety Relief

Foods high in B vitamins – Include grass-fed beef, wild caught fish, poultry, brewer’s yeast and green leafy vegetables to get sufficient intake of B-vitamins which help regulate mood.
Dairy and other foods high in calcium – Calcium is a relaxing mineral which can help reduce anxiety. Try unsweetened organic yogurt or wild-caught salmon as good sources for calcium.
Magnesium rich foods – Magnesium helps calm the nerves and many people are deficient. Foods high in magnesium include nuts, avocados and sea vegetables.
Omega-3 fatty acids – Cold-water, wild-caught fish can reduce inflammation and help stabilize mood. Omega-3s also contain DHA, vital for brain function.

Anxiety Foods To Avoid

High sugar foods – Sugar can give you blood sugar highs and lows throughout the day increasing anxiety.
Caffeine – Too much caffeine can cause more anxiety. Limit coffee or black tea to no more than one cup per day.
Alcohol – Can cause anxiety-like symptoms and is not a positive way to manage stress.
Processed and refined flour – These foods act very similarly to sugar in the body, leading to fluctuations in blood sugar and mood swings.

Top 5 Anxiety Natural Remedies

#1  Ashwagandha
This is an adaptogenic herb that has been shown to improve anxiety symptoms by reducing the effects of stress on the body.
#2  5-HTP (5-hydroxytryptophan) (50-100 mg 2x daily)
Increases serotonin, a calming neurotransmitter. DO NOT take with any prescription antidepressant or anti-anxiety medications.
#3  Kava (200-250 mg 3x daily)
Can help relieve panic attacks and reduce overall anxiety. Do not consume alcohol and ask your doctor first if you are taking other medications.
#4  GABA (500 mg 3x daily)
An amino acid that is responsible for decreasing anxiety in the nervous system, it also helps relax muscles.
#5  Magnesium and Calcium (500 mg Calcium and 250 mg Magnesium 2x per day)
Both of these minerals relax muscles and help calm the nervous system. Magnesium can cause diarrhea, so be careful with the dose.
Bonus Remedy
B-vitamins help combat stress and stabilize your mood. Make sure the supplement includes Vitamin B6.  Take 50mg 2x daily of a B-Complex.

Essential Oils For Anxiety

Lavender oil has been shown to reduce anxiety and help relax the body.  Put 3 drops of lavender oil in your palm and rub onto your neck for natural anxiety relief.  Also, roman chamomile oil has been proven effective at lower stress and anxiety.