Trading Secrets

Mar 6, 2014

Trading Made Simple Secrets

I prefer to trade the 4hr charts at night. My broker posts new 4 hr candles at 10pm my time (Pacific), 2am my time and 6am my time.
My page when I open up my charts has 8 open charts. I just glance at the TDI for set ups when the new candle opens... If I see a set up... green just crossing red I'll take the trade, turn off the puter and go to bed. Four hours later (1:50am) my alarm goes off for the new candles and I take a peek... if I see a new set up I'll enter and go back to bed with the last alarm at 5:50am my time. I close all trades at that time and go back to sleep... There are enough set ups in a normal week to make 200-500 pips... Stress is zero...

Forex Strategy

Trading Rules for the Speculative Sentiment Index-Based Breakout2 Strategy
Image result for trading economics
The Breakout2 trading system has been one of our more successful trading strategies in past years. We need to emphasize that past performance is not indicative of future results, but the strategy has historically done well in fast-moving markets with strong volatility. 
Buy Rule: Buy 5 lots when the currency breaks above its highest high of the past 24 hours.
Sell Rule: Sell 5 lots when the currency breaks below its lowest low of the past 24 hours.